
About Me

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My Name Is DeeP@K R@j ,I m loving and caring.. just a lil bit sensitive !! thats a main thingy u will not know when i get rude :D .. everything except bharamz and attitudez i can resist but when these things i see .. i get mad .. A computer nerd :P and crazy to go to new and exciting places, i love to chat on fone for hOurS .. i love Religious and Social Celebrations .. i love to eaT :D ...dats all For me:)!.....mah fRiends noe evEry ThiNG abt m3 ;)
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Monday, January 26, 2009

We ain't no Picasso

Well off late i have been coming to know the true meaning of life, love, survival. Things seem fine like a walk under the chilly moonlight when you were little still trying to wonder the meaning of life, thinking why is the moon and the stars so far away?, what is it that you find at the Horizon?. Funny isn't it how life can turn the air around you. I name this post of mine " We ain't no picasso", coz picasso was the master of painting and sculpture, with the stroke a of brush and the work of his hands he could portray just about anything to anybody. Eyes the main means of communication. You see and u feel, you see and u understand, u see and you learn.
I believe it is us who carve our life for the future, no matter how many external factors you may depend on.

Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams. Love gives meaning to our lives – as do friendship, or art or faith in God. These are factors of true happiness, of inner peace, of feelings of harmony, allowing meaning to our existence.

But there is the other side. There is the cruelty of life, the pain, the evil, not to talk of death. They are the hidden tigers, ambushed and ready to attack the imprudent,(to use an image present in the Buddhist Scriptures).

Is between these pendulums - the positive, the one that gives happiness and meaning, and the negative - that our lives are lived. And when we meditate about all that, we arrive at a diverse and disagreeing set of thoughts about the meaning and purpose of life.

When I consider the short duration of my life i have spent till now, laughing and crying, sleeping and struggling, swallowed up in the eternity before and after, the little space which I fill, and even can see, engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces of which I am ignorant, and which know me not, I am frightened, and am astonished at being here rather than there; for there is no reason why here rather than there, why now rather than then.

God has created things in an equal balance love-hate, friends-enemies, life-death, but i never learnt until yesterday that i was following up things the wrong way. Missed out on love to get more of hate, missed out on the enemies by making friends(thought i did this one thing right, never gave the importance to the one's who had truly were my well-wishers and i repent for it now), but God always has mercy for the one's who walk an extra mile and he has left me out with a hand-full of good, caring, fun-loving, friends who like a guiding star help me come out of the darkness of life showing me the right path. Thank you buddies. :)

Since a very long time ago, people have searched for the meaning of love. But even the great philosophers, with their profound definitions, could not fully touch its true essence. Hhhhhmmm.. Doesn't make any sense now, life without love, life without friend's, Life in the modern race to climb up the ladder, turns materialistic, but stop, pause everything around you and look behind you the path that we have tread so far, the journey of our life we had missed out on all of the beautiful things that we had given up for something which was not needed. Life changes with the stroke of time like a painting does with a stroke of brush, and you spend years together trying to correct it, but you cannot as it has to be started again from the beginning and as we being mortal, loose the morale and the true essence of life, love, friends and perish without achieving anything in the end. Just wanted you all to know plan well in advance, work just once on the perfect stroke so that you don't have to look back and feel the pain of repent in your future. Adios. :)

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